
Operating and maintaining

Since 2014, we have helped optimize the performance of biomethane plants. To do this, we offer services that leverage all operational drivers requiring concurrent management.



As en environmental conscious company, we prioritize linking local biowaste producers with local biogas production sites in favor of a circular economy.


Agri-Seudre Énergies

Le Chay (17)

Feedstock sources

20,000 tonnes per year


Livestock manure

Crop waste

Agri-food industry waste


150 Nm³ CH₄/h

The company Agri-Seudre Énergies injects locally produced green gas into the gas network that has been operated by GRDF since September 2021. Launched in 2012 by a group of farmers in the area around Royan and led by a group that includes TER’GREEN, le Zoo de La Palmyre and the agricultural cooperative Océalia, this plant generates 12 billion kWh of renewable gas a year (150 Nm³ CH₄/h), enough to meet the yearly requirements of more than 2,177 households. Built by NASKEO, the biomethane plant also processes 20,000 tonnes of organic waste every year (primarily bovine/equine manure plus cereal offal), producing 15,000 tonnes of digestate – a completely natural fertiliser – and providing employment for three local residents.

This project operates in line with the region’s energy transition and circular economy plans. To enhance its green credentials even further, the group decided to cover the entire roof of the plant’s biggest building with solar panels (1,800 m²), meeting the equivalent of 35% of its electricity needs (90% of the electricity generated by the solar panels is used by the plant with the remaining 10% sent to the ENEDIS energy distribution network).

with gas
Gas-powered buses

Get in touch

Call us

Need help or have a question about your biomethane project? We're available from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. Feel free to get in touch if you need our help.

+33(0)1 57 21 34 70

Come and see us

Want to meet us in person? 
You can find us at 52 rue Paul Vaillant Couturier - 92240 Malakoff or at 3 Rue Galilée - 44340 Bouguenais

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